JAMF Self Service
Mobile App Icon Desktop App Icon
If your Mac computer and/or iOS device are managed by JAMF you may have access to the JAMF Self Service app. The JAMF Self Service app contains applications and resources that are available to your specific device. The apps and resources available in the Self Service app can differ from device to device.
Go to the Applications folder and search for the "KIPP Northern California Self Service" app.
If you do not see the Self Service app in the Applications folder, then the computer is not being managed by JAMF.
If your device is managed by JAMF and you delete the Self Service app, it will get automatically reinstalled after the device's next Inventory Update.
iOS and iPad OS
The app "iOS Self Service" should appear as one of the apps installed on the device.
If you do not see the Self Service app, your device is not managed in JAMF. Please submit a ticket at support.kippnorcal.org